Ying Ying Ng: Music Theory For Young Musicians – Grade 5
Music Theory For Young Musicians covers all aspects of the Associated Board’s theory syllabus for Grades 1-5.
This Poco UK Edition of the book for Grade 5 covers:
- Tenor clef
- Irregular time signatures (5/4, 7/4, 5/8, 7/8)
- Major and minor scales (up to 6 sharps and flats)
- Transposition
- SATB in short and open score
- Irregular time divisions (quintuplet, sextuplet, septuplet, nontuplet)
- Intervals (simple, compound)
- Identifying chords (I, II, IV and V in root position, 1st inversion and 2nd inversion)
- Chords at cadence points
- Composing a melody
- Ornaments and repetitions
- Instruments with illustrations
- Performance directions (Grade 5)
- General exercises (Grade 5)